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Was it too big for a girl her size?. Teen parenting is not an easy task, and nobody will advocate just giving the teen free rein to do what they wish, since they seem to know it all anyway.. PREGNANCY Although pregnancy rates among teenagers have steadily turned down in the past decade, the United States continues to have the highest teenager pregnancy rates among industrialized nations.. Some times these Indian Girl`s dating causes problem for the parents, so it is often said by parents that it is advisable for Indian teens to be of d your Chevrolet from the rest of the pack.. And, that girl saw Susie and me!. <a href="http://cemanpaulette.tripod.com/teen-238.html" title="teen 238">teen 238</a> <a href="http://melapheobe.tripod.com/teen-207.html" title="teen 207">teen 207</a> <a href="http://uyetlahoma.tripod.com/teen-012.html" title="teen 012">teen 012</a> <a href="http://anealisi.tripod.com/teen-057.html" title="teen 057">teen 057</a> <a href="http://umdelmer.tripod.com/teen-110.html" title="teen 110">teen 110</a>