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The girl who had just been the target for his stick, carefully stood upright and holding her skirt away from her agonisingly painful bottom, shuffled over to the wall bars where a further dozen girls were already standing in a similar state of half dress facing the wall.. In some societies, early marriage and traditional gender roles are the main factors for teenage pregnancy.. Any parent of a teen will understand.. In this way, the teens will not only help their community projects, but learn the needed skills to make them competitive in the actual work environment.. He had lost count of how many white girls and white women, that he had had, over the years.. <a href="http://members.lycos.nl/joalbacarla/teen-033.html" title="teen 033">teen 033</a> <a href="http://arddixie.tripod.com/teen-007.html" title="teen 007">teen 007</a> <a href="http://antaldat.tripod.com/teen-268.html" title="teen 268">teen 268</a> <a href="http://eliakather.tripod.com/teen-104.html" title="teen 104">teen 104</a> <a href="http://mbocabot.tripod.com/teen-257.html" title="teen 257">teen 257</a>